Hello Reader,

So I'm a guest writer here today and I just thought to share my own piece of normal. All my life I've always been told to be on the know, so I took it to heart. Since then I've hated not knowing something even if it is as big as how to fly a spaceship.

Not saying I know how to fly a spaceship but at least I know how to survive in outer space. It's pretty cool to know about a lot of things and hate being corrected until you meet a superior that is just like you. So here is my little diversion from the truth.

So as a soon to be graduate, I decided to join the work force, I even get paid, not so much but still not so little and there's this woman that's suppose to be helping me vet my work, so it's cool but anytime I give  my work to her, she always tell me there's something wrong about it. I know that a little constructive criticism is need to improve, but this aunty never sees anything I do as right and it was starting to piss me off.

So I decided to use a different approach like she suggested but she kept giving me back dated instructions and i just couldn't take it anymore. I got pissed off this morning and even walked out on her but it felt as if the walk away from where i sat to the door was taking too long, so she ended up finishing her statement.

So I sat at my desk thinking of how best to understand the situation, so instead of me to act normal and take to her constant corrections, I started to doubt myself. I felt disjointed and angry at myself cause I make a lot of mistakes everyday and I know they say mistakes make a person and help to improve you but I hate to make mistakes. It's like you'd hate taking drugs but you still have to anyways.

So that was how I became moody all day, until I met with a workmate turned acquaintance that I gave the name NY. Don't ask what it means cause even I don't know the answer to that. We started the discussion normally and i really don't know it's exact origin but I know it ended with us talking about being weird.

So what does it mean to be normal?

well normal is being you, yourself and every bit of you. You don't have to be like anyone else to feel normal because normal to them might not be normal to you. Yes we do have similar attributes to normal but it can never be the same with everyone because culture, life, family are all different. I feel less normal everyday with everything that happens to me daily but I know eventually I'd be happy being me but until then I shade under being abnormal.

So Dear reader,

I'll leave you with a short poetry of mine title Normal.

Thirsty and broke
I roamed the streets in search
But i couldn't find my golden retriever
It felt more foreign to breath that to walk
I kept walking and walking and walking
But a destination never came
All i found was stability as the days passed
And companionship as the cold nights appeared
Sawdust filled my nostrils
Now I sleep in a box filled
With everything i was
With everything i choose to be.

With Love,
Anonymous Writer.

P.S: The owner of the blog hates colors, but i do and since this is my piece i decided to use so many colors. Don't be stereotypical with what I just said or be gender bias either, It's my choice not what comes with everyone that is my gender. My anonymity is my strength.

Till the Owner writes again.


  1. Dear anonymous writer, this piece is captivating and I'm guessing you are in person too. I'd love to read more from both ends soon. Much Love.

  2. Can I marry you? I don't really care about gender ☺. This piece was beautiful.

    1. Can I be the best man/ anything. I don't really care about gender

  3. Wale you're mad to think the writer would want that...


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